
Wel­come to Grace. We are a sign of God’s love plant­ed in down­town Al­len­town, Penn­syl­va­nia, more than 150 years ago. Grace is a com­mu­nity of pas­sion­ate peo­ple, liv­ing out our faith in an ever-​chang­ing city. Our life to­gether and our life in ser­vice of God’s mis­sion are nur­tured and nour­ished by the pres­ence of Je­sus Christ among us, as we break bread and love our neighbors.

The neigh­bor­hood is the parish. Love of neigh­bor and neigh­bor­hood has been guid­ing us at North Fifth Street and Lin­den since 1866. It is here, from this cor­ner and out into the streets, that we are called to bear wit­ness to the risen Christ’s love for all – through cel­e­bra­tion and ser­vice, in our dai­ly lives, in wor­ship, in mis­sion, and in com­mu­nity. All are wel­come. Come and see.

FINDING GRACE – 108 N. 5th Street (at Lin­den), Al­len­town, PA 18102; (610) 435‑0782

WORSHIP – Holy Eu­charist is held on the first and third Sun­days of each month, be­gin­ning at 10 AM with Rev. Jonathan Mayo. The sec­ond and fourth Sun­days are Morn­ing Prayer, be­gin­ning at 10 AM. The first Sun­day of the month is also our 12-Step Re­cov­ery ser­vice. All are welcome!

CHRIST LIGHT – The Light of Christ shines from Grace, through the “Christ of the Uni­verse” win­dow – a vi­brant, mod­ern in­ter­pre­ta­tion of God’s ac­tiv­i­ty in the world.