
Grace Epis­co­pal Church, in the Dio­cese of Bethlehem

You can con­tact Grace Church at office@​graceallentown.​org . The parish ad­min­is­tra­tor is Todd Stine. Call 610−435−0782. You may also send mail to 108 N. 5th St., Al­len­town PA 18102

De­liv­er­ies: di­rec­tions and map

On­line Giv­ing: Elec­tron­ic op­tions are avail­able for one-time and reg­u­lar giv­ing, in­clud­ing pledges; with an ac­count, you can also gen­er­ate your own re­ceipts and re­ports, and make changes any­time. [ set up ]

The fol­low­ing min­istries are housed at Grace and mail may be sent to 108 N. 5th, Al­len­town, PA 18102:

Grace Food Pantry (Grace Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion) is open 9 – 11 a.m. Fri­days and the third and fourth Sat­ur­days of each month, in Hadesty Hall. The en­trance is on the 5th Street side of the church, down the stairwell.

Bethany Chris­t­ian Ser­vices, which over­sees lo­cal refugee re­set­tle­ment, is lo­cat­ed on the sec­ond floor of Grace (en­ter from 5th Street). Bethany, the Refugee Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter at Me­di­a­tor, and Grace now join in of­fer­ing sup­port for refugees mak­ing this area their home.

Dress for Suc­cess is by ap­point­ment and has an of­fice down­stairs at Grace, with space for ser­vices to sup­port women re-en­ter­ing the work­force; en­ter on the 5th Street side of the church.

Nar­cotics Anony­mous meets at Grace 11 a.m. Sun­days in Hadesty Hall; en­ter on the 5th Street side of the church, down the stairwell.

Grace Montes­sori School, start­ed at Grace Epis­co­pal Church, is now lo­cat­ed at 814 W. Lin­den St. Al­len­town PA 18101. For more in­for­ma­tion, vis­it their web­site at https://​grace​montes​sori​.org/ .