
Grace Epis­co­pal Church, Dio­cese of Bethlehem
All are wel­come. Come as you are.
The parish ad­min­is­tra­tor is Todd Stine.
Email: office@​graceallentown.​org
Phone: (610)−435−0782
Ad­dress: 108 N. 5th St., Al­len­town PA 18102
di­rec­tions and map

On­line Giv­ing: Elec­tron­ic op­tions are avail­able for one-time and re­cur­rent giv­ing, including
pledges. With an ac­count, you can gen­er­ate your own re­ceipts and re­ports, and make changes
any­time. [ set up ]

Grace Food Pantry: Grace Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion Food Bank is open 9 – 11 a.m. Fri­days and the third and fourth Sat­ur­days of each month, in Hadesty Hall. The en­trance is on the 5th Street side of the church, down the stair­well. For more in­for­ma­tion, vis­it their web­site at Grace Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion Food Bank

Grace Montes­sori School, cre­at­ed by Grace Epis­co­pal Church, is now lo­cat­ed at 814 W. Linden
St. Al­len­town PA 18101.
Phone: (610)-435‑4060
For more in­for­ma­tion, vis­it their web­site at https://​grace​montes​sori​.org/