Recovery Ministry

Re­cov­ery Min­istry Flyer

Wel­come to the Com­mu­ni­ty of Grace Epis­co­pal Church

Held the first Sun­day of each month, our Re­cov­ery Wor­ship is an ex­pres­sion of our faith in God’s love and heal­ing based on the 12 Steps of Re­cov­ery. A dif­fer­ent step is high­light­ed each month. 

We gath­er in Wor­ship to lis­ten to the word of God in song, prayer, 12 Step lit­er­a­ture and Holy Scrip­ture. We lis­ten to each oth­er and to a mes­sage of de­light, com­fort, heal­ing, and promise. We ex­pe­ri­ence the pres­ence of God, our high­er power. 

We in­sist that anonymi­ty be main­tained — what is shared in con­fi­dence dur­ing wor­ship and cof­fee hour must re­main here.

Every­one is wel­come at God’s ta­ble dur­ing Com­mu­nion, where we serve a con­se­crat­ed host.

EVERY ser­vice at Grace of­fers heal­ing, rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, and joy­ful wor­ship. The first Sun­day of the month ex­plic­it­ly in­cludes 12-step prac­tices. We are and sup­port in­di­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies re­cov­er­ing from grief, ad­dic­tion, abuse, men­tal ill­ness, loss, and the hurts and sor­rows of dai­ly life. Grace is a pro­gres­sive com­mu­ni­ty that works to ad­vance so­cial jus­tice as an out­ward sign of our spirituality.

We cur­rent­ly wel­come those in re­cov­ery from Treat­ment Trends’ Keenan House and the Res­cue Mis­sion as well as oth­ers in re­cov­ery from our neigh­bor­hood and beyond!

Re­cov­ery Min­istry Leadership

Joe Cousart, PhD

Hillie Cousart, PhD