Grace Episcopal Church
108 North 5th Street (at Linden St.)
Allentown, PA18102
Job Description
Title: Music Director
About Us
Grace Episcopal Church is a small community of passionate, diverse people, expressing our faith through
intentional weekly worship, fellowship, and active ministry in downtown Allentown. Our building, consecrated in 1865, has excellent acoustics. The congregation founded several Allentown institutions, such as Grace Montessori School and Grace Community Foundation Food Bank.
One of our most impactful actions is Grace’s Recovery Ministry. We serve people in recovery, showing them the warmth and compassion of an Episcopal community welcome. With our monthly Liturgy of Hope, Healing, and Recovery Worship, which incorporates the 12-Steps of Recovery, we provide clothing, toiletries, Christmas Gifts, and other services as the needs arise for people in recovery. We have primarily worked with Treatment Trends Residential Program.
Job Overview
As Music Director, plan and direct music for all Worship Services and special events, serve as church organist and pianist. The Music Director will coördinate with the Priest, and reports to the Senior and Junior Wardens. Regular Sunday worship services at Grace Episcopal Church are at 10:00AM.
- Work with long-term Supply Priest (currently two Sundays per month) to select appropriate hymns and incidental music for Eucharistic Worship Services.
- Collaborate with Liturgy, Worship and Music Committee to plan and select appropriate hymns for all Services throughout the Church Year.
- Select appropriate music for Preludes and Postludes for Worship Services.
- Rehearse and lead hymns for the congregation as necessary.
- Provide music to the Parish Administrator weekly to be inserted in Worship Bulletins.
- Participate with the Liturgy, Worship and Music committee in planning events and special liturgies such as weddings, funerals and our annual “Longest Night” (a Solstice Service of Music & Healing).
- Maintain church music library.
- Oversee the maintenance and working condition of the church organ and electronic keyboard (Allen
Renaissance III Manual and Yamaha PF 500 Digital Piano). The organ is under a service contract. - Ensure compliance with copyright laws.
- May be asked to arrange for substitutes when absent.
Working Conditions
The Music Director position is part time, approximately 8 – 10 hours per week. There will be times during the church year that additional hours will be necessary (with full compensation) for the mission and ministry of the parish.
Qualifications and skills
*BA in Music or equivalent in performance and/or church music or related field is preferred. Proficiency as an organist or pianist is required.
*Broad knowledge and experience in liturgical and contemporary church music with Episcopal tradition
- Must pass Background Checks and required Safe Church Certification.
Compensation — Available upon request
References — Required upon request