Employment at Grace

Grace Epis­co­pal Church
108 North 5th Street (at Lin­den St.)
Al­len­town, PA18102

Job De­scrip­tion
Ti­tle: Mu­sic Director

About Us
Grace Epis­co­pal Church is a small com­mu­ni­ty of pas­sion­ate, di­verse peo­ple, ex­press­ing our faith through
in­ten­tion­al week­ly wor­ship, fel­low­ship, and ac­tive min­istry in down­town Al­len­town. Our build­ing, con­se­crat­ed in 1865, has ex­cel­lent acoustics. The con­gre­ga­tion found­ed sev­er­al Al­len­town in­sti­tu­tions, such as Grace Montes­sori School and Grace Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion Food Bank.
One of our most im­pact­ful ac­tions is Grace’s Re­cov­ery Min­istry. We serve peo­ple in re­cov­ery, show­ing them the warmth and com­pas­sion of an Epis­co­pal com­mu­ni­ty wel­come. With our month­ly Litur­gy of Hope, Heal­ing, and Re­cov­ery Wor­ship, which in­cor­po­rates the 12-Steps of Re­cov­ery, we pro­vide cloth­ing, toi­letries, Christ­mas Gifts, and oth­er ser­vices as the needs arise for peo­ple in re­cov­ery. We have pri­mar­i­ly worked with Treat­ment Trends Res­i­den­tial Program.

Job Overview
As Mu­sic Di­rec­tor, plan and di­rect mu­sic for all Wor­ship Ser­vices and spe­cial events, serve as church or­gan­ist and pi­anist. The Mu­sic Di­rec­tor will coör­di­nate with the Priest, and re­ports to the Se­nior and Ju­nior War­dens. Reg­u­lar Sun­day wor­ship ser­vices at Grace Epis­co­pal Church are at 10:00AM.


  • Work with long-term Sup­ply Priest (cur­rent­ly two Sun­days per month) to se­lect ap­pro­pri­ate hymns and in­ci­den­tal mu­sic for Eu­charis­tic Wor­ship Services.
  • Col­lab­o­rate with Litur­gy, Wor­ship and Mu­sic Com­mit­tee to plan and se­lect ap­pro­pri­ate hymns for all Ser­vices through­out the Church Year.
  • Se­lect ap­pro­pri­ate mu­sic for Pre­ludes and Postludes for Wor­ship Services.
  • Re­hearse and lead hymns for the con­gre­ga­tion as necessary.
  • Pro­vide mu­sic to the Parish Ad­min­is­tra­tor week­ly to be in­sert­ed in Wor­ship Bulletins.
  • Par­tic­i­pate with the Litur­gy, Wor­ship and Mu­sic com­mit­tee in plan­ning events and spe­cial litur­gies such as wed­dings, fu­ner­als and our an­nu­al “Longest Night” (a Sol­stice Ser­vice of Mu­sic & Healing).
  • Main­tain church mu­sic library.
  • Over­see the main­te­nance and work­ing con­di­tion of the church or­gan and elec­tron­ic key­board (Allen
    Re­nais­sance III Man­u­al and Yama­ha PF 500 Dig­i­tal Pi­ano). The or­gan is un­der a ser­vice contract.
  • En­sure com­pli­ance with copy­right laws.
  • May be asked to arrange for sub­sti­tutes when ab­sent.
    Work­ing Conditions

The Mu­sic Di­rec­tor po­si­tion is part time, ap­prox­i­mate­ly 8 – 10 hours per week. There will be times dur­ing the church year that ad­di­tion­al hours will be nec­es­sary (with full com­pen­sa­tion) for the mis­sion and min­istry of the parish.

Qual­i­fi­ca­tions and skills
*BA in Mu­sic or equiv­a­lent in per­for­mance and/​or church mu­sic or re­lat­ed field is pre­ferred. Pro­fi­cien­cy as an or­gan­ist or pi­anist is re­quired.
*Broad knowl­edge and ex­pe­ri­ence in litur­gi­cal and con­tem­po­rary church mu­sic with Epis­co­pal tra­di­tion

  • Must pass Back­ground Checks and re­quired Safe Church Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.
    Com­pen­sa­tion — Avail­able upon re­quest
    Ref­er­ences — Re­quired upon request