Ash Wednesday
The outward and visible sign of our entrance into Lent is Ash Wednesday, a service that includes prayer, confession, and the imposition of ashes on the forehead. The use of ashes as a sign of repentance has biblical roots and emerged among Christians in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
- Sunday, April 13, 10 am is our Palm Sunday service with Holy Eucharist, Father Jonathan Mayo presiding.
The language of Lent is raw and honest: We are mere dust, we make mistakes, we need help. In a culture where grievous ways can be posted publicly and circulated widely in mere seconds, garnering advice and vilification by throngs of strangers, we are asked to take 40 days … to begin again, to reconnect with God, and to be renewed and strengthened in a relationship of pure love and perfect forgiveness.
Lent calls us into a strange confluence of our contemporary lives with ancient customs. As we try to keep up in a rapidly changing world, our faith calls us back to the first centuries of Christianity. In today’s secular society, our faith calls us to stand before God and re-connect with practices that have nurtured believers for century – the deep structures that give a sure foundation for being Christian amid the challenges of our modern day.
Recalling Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, the great fasts of Moses and Elijah, and the fervent prayers of generations of believers, we are invited to enter Lent. This is Holy Time. Following in the footsteps of those who have traveled this spiritual road before us, we are invited to examine our lives through prayer and contemplation, fasting, and other practices to help us reconcile our lives with God and neighbor. In a world of quick fixes, this is an extended time of preparation for the grace and restoration of Easter.
There will be a time, soon, for the more active work of mission. But first, let us return together to the observance of a holy Lent.
To assist our observance of holy days, the commemoration of saints, and lesser feasts and fasts, Forward Movement offers three liturgical calendars, as well as daily meditations and a variety of devotional resources.