Weekly Announcements

Meet­ings this week


The week­ly bul­letin for wor­ship this week is avail­able here.
An­nounce­ments are in­clud­ed at the end of the bulletin.

An­nounce­ments for the Bul­letin: if you have an­nounce­ments to share, please email them to the church of­fice — office@​graceallentown.​org.

We in­vite you to give to the min­istries of Grace Church. A plate is avail­able in­side the en­trance doors. Many mem­bers con­tribute on­line; de­tails for on­line giv­ing are at https://​graceal​len​town​.org/​c​o​n​t​a​c​t​-​us/. Checks can also be mailed to the church of­fice (ad­dress below). 

Grace Epis­co­pal Church
graceal​len​town​.org • office@​graceallentown.​org 
108 N. 5th, Al­len­town • (610) 435‑0782

John Adam­son, mu­sic di­rec­tor
David Lyons, se­nior warden 

Of­fice hours Wed, Fri 12 – 5pm