Grace Notes Concert Series

Con­certs are. Sun­days, at Grace – 108 N. 5th, at Lin­den, in down­town Al­len­town. [ di­rec­tions ]

April 7

Bach Par­ti­tas and More – Bach par­ti­tas and oth­er solo vi­o­lin reper­toire, per­formed by Ale­cia Kiah Cantalupo

We in­vite “grace of­fer­ings” at these con­certs, in any amount. The gen­eros­i­ty of se­ries cu­ra­tor Kather­ine Kaiser and the fea­tured mu­si­cians al­lows us to present beau­ti­ful con­certs that are ac­ces­si­ble to all. With each con­cert, the of­fer­ing is shared in three ways: with the mu­si­cians, the church, and a lo­cal cause.

Ear­li­er Concerts

Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 3: “Love’s Har­vest,” a con­cert with Night’s Black Bird
The con­cert fea­tured a pro­gram of Re­nais­sance and Baroque mu­sic from Spain, Eng­land, and Italy, in­clud­ing the works by an out­law, a nun, a re­put­ed cour­te­san, and king! The reper­toire ex­plored themes of beau­ty, grace, na­ture, cold weath­er, singing, ag­ing, and love, both true and un­re­quit­ed. Free will do­na­tions will be split be­tween the mu­si­cians, the 6th Street Women’s Shel­ter in Al­len­town, and Grace Church. Fea­tured mu­si­cians are Kather­ine Kaiser (so­pra­no), Ted Con­ner (baroque gui­tar and lute), and Eliz­a­beth Con­ner (bass vi­o­la da gamba).

March 17 — 4 p.m.
“High and Low” – Clas­si­cal mu­sic with Venezue­lan flute and tuba duo, Car­los Gon­za­les and Maria Nunez