Welcome to Grace

Come join us in the Je­sus Move­ment, the Way of Love: Wor­ship at Grace, 10 a.m. Sundays. 

[ de­tails ]

Up­com­ing Wor­ship and Events for 

Feb­ru­ary 2025

DayWor­shipCel­e­brant /​Wor­ship Leader
Feb. 2 Sun 10:00 am12 Step Re­cov­ery Morn­ing PrayerDavid K. Moyer
Feb. 9 Sun 10:00 amCan­celled due to snow
Feb. 16 Sun. 10:00 amHoly Eu­charistThe Rev. Jonathan Mayo
Feb. 23 Sun. 10:00 amMorn­ing PrayerBroth­er Matthew Luke
Mar. 2 Sun. 10:00 am12 Step Re­cov­ery Litur­gy with EucharistThe Rev. Jonathan Mayo

• Di­rec­tions and park­ing information

Grace Epis­co­pal Church is a sign of God’s love plant­ed in down­town Al­len­town more than 150 years ago. We are a com­mu­ni­ty of pas­sion­ate peo­ple, striv­ing to live out our faith in an ever-chang­ing city, an ever-chang­ing world. Our life to­geth­er, and our life in ser­vice of God’s mis­sion, is nur­tured and nour­ished by the pres­ence of Je­sus Christ among us. We break bread to­geth­er and prac­tice lov­ing one an­oth­er. We prac­tice over­com­ing our fears and work­ing to­geth­er, the work of earth­ly pil­grim­age, as we an­tic­i­pate ris­ing to new life with Christ.

It is here – in our re­la­tion­ships, in the church, and out into the streets – that we are called to bear wit­ness to the risen Christ’s love for all. Come as you are, with all your pre­cious gifts, all your scars and wounds and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. Come to love and be loved. Come and be part of the on-go­ing work of God’s grace.

The ser­vices are not livestreamed. De­pend­ing on the in­ter­est, we may add on­line view­ing in the future. 

Our month­ly Hope, Heal­ing and Re­cov­ery wor­ship is held on the first Sun­day of each month.
 More de­tails here