Come join us in the Jesus Movement, the Way of Love: Worship at Grace, 10 a.m. Sundays.
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Upcoming Worship and Events for
January 2025
Day | Worship | Celebrant /Worship Leader |
Jan. 5 Sun 10:00 am | 12 Step Recovery Liturgy with Eucharist | The Rev. Jonathan Mayo |
Jan. 12 Sun 10:00 am | Morning Prayer | John and Pam Adamson |
Jan. 19 Sun. 10:00 am | Liturgy with Eucharist | The Rev. Jonathan Mayo |
Jan. 26 Sun. 10:00 am | Morning Prayer | David K. Moyer |
Feb. 2 Sun. 10:00 am | 12 Step Recovery Liturgy with Eucharist | The Rev. Jonathan Mayo |
• Directions and parking information
Grace Episcopal Church is a sign of God’s love planted in downtown Allentown more than 150 years ago. We are a community of passionate people, striving to live out our faith in an ever-changing city, an ever-changing world. Our life together, and our life in service of God’s mission, is nurtured and nourished by the presence of Jesus Christ among us. We break bread together and practice loving one another. We practice overcoming our fears and working together, the work of earthly pilgrimage, as we anticipate rising to new life with Christ.
It is here – in our relationships, in the church, and out into the streets – that we are called to bear witness to the risen Christ’s love for all. Come as you are, with all your precious gifts, all your scars and wounds and vulnerabilities. Come to love and be loved. Come and be part of the on-going work of God’s grace.
The services are not livestreamed. Depending on the interest, we may add online viewing in the future.
Our monthly Hope, Healing and Recovery worship is held on the first Sunday of each month.
More details here