This Season — Easter

Almighty and ever­last­ing God, who in the Paschal mys­tery es­tab­lished the new covenant of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion: Grant that all who have been re­born into the fel­low­ship of Christ’s Body may show forth in their lives what they pro­fess by their faith; through Je­sus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spir­it, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Day Up­com­ing Worship Cel­e­brant /​Wor­ship Leader
Apr 7 10:00am Re­cov­ery Litur­gy with Eucharist Rt. Rev. Kevin Nichols and Rev. Jonathan Mayo
Apr 14 10:00am Litur­gy of the Word John and Pam Adamson
Apr 21 10:00am Holy Eu­charist Fr. Jonathan Mayo
Apr 28 10:00am Litur­gy of the Word David Moy­er
May 5 10:00am Re­cov­ery Litur­gy with Eucharist Fr. Jonathan Mayo

We cel­e­brate this joy­ous sea­son of East­er in the full­ness of the “Great Fifty Days” – be­gin­ning with the Feast of the Res­ur­rec­tion, the First Sun­day of East­er, and con­tin­u­ing un­til the Feast of Pen­te­cost. His­tor­i­cal­ly in the church, this was a time for per­sons who had been bap­tized at East­er to con­tin­ue their for­ma­tion in the mys­t­a­gogy, the mys­ter­ies of our faith.

Our scrip­ture texts this sea­son shift to gospel sto­ries of rev­e­la­tion, en­coun­ters with the risen Christ, and deep­er un­der­stand­ings of God’s on-go­ing work in the world. In this sev­en-week sea­son, we hear the Acts of the Apos­tles and con­sid­er how we, too, will live the faith of res­ur­rec­tion in our dai­ly lives.

Promi­nent sym­bols in the church this sea­son are the Paschal can­dle, re­mind­ing us of the new fire of Christ’s light in the world, and the bap­tismal font. It is a im­por­tant time for us to re­mem­ber and re­flect on our bap­tismal covenant and the ways in which we af­firm our be­liefs and promise to con­tin­ue to wor­ship God, learn, and to be in fel­low­ship with one an­oth­er, while serv­ing and car­ing for others.

At the Day of Pen­te­cost, this year on May 19, marks the de­scent of the Holy Spir­it, sig­nal­ing God’s pres­ence – alive and al­ways with us, stir­ring us to en­liv­en God’s mis­sion in the world.